Through discussion with a pastor, instruction deals with the major questions about Christian faith and it contains basic Lutheran catechism. Here you can observe the major questions:
Through discussion with a pastor, instruction deals with the major questions about Christian faith and it contains basic Lutheran catechism. Here you can observe the major questions:
A: Christianity is the life and salvation God has given in and through Jesus.
A: The truth is made known in the Bible: the Old Testament promises the coming Savior and the New Testament tells of the Savior who has come.
A: Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, is the heart and center of the Scripture and therefore the key to its true meaning.
A: The six chief parts of Christian teaching.
A: The Bible.
A: The inspired word of God.
A: The holy prophets and apostles.
A: The prophets and apostles were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
A: To know His salvation for us in Jesus.
A: To learn more of God and our salvation so that our faith is strengthened.
A: The Law and the Gospel.
A: It shows us our sin. In it God commands good works of thought, word, and deed and condemns and punishes sin.
A: It is the good news of our salvation in Jesus. In it God gives forgiveness of sin, faith, life and the power to please Him with good works.
A: The Law of God.
A: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
A: Love your neighbour as yourself.
A: Love.
A: From the creation, from my own conscience and from the Bible.
A: The almighty Creator of heaven and earth.
A: The Triune God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
A: The worship of other gods.
A: To love and worship Him alone.
A: Misusing His name.
A: To use His name to pray, praise and give thanks.
A: No. Although God requires Christians to worship together He has not specified any particular day. The Church worships together especially on Sunday because Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday.
A: That we hold preaching and the word of God sacred; that we gladly hear and learn it; that we honour and support the preaching and teaching of God’s word; and that we diligently spread God’s word.
A: As our selves.
A: To show disrespect to parents and others in authority.
A: To honour our parents and other authorities by regarding them as God’s representatives; to serve them by gladly providing what they need or require; to obey them in everything in which God has placed them over us; to love and cherish them as gifts of God; to show respect to the aged.
A: The taking the life of another person’s or our own life; doing anything that would destroy, shorten or make someone’s life bitter and keeping anger and hatred in our hearts.
A: To help and preserve our neighbour’s life.
A: Sexually impure thoughts, desires and actions.
A: To avoid temptations to sexual sin, to be clean in what we think and say, to use our sexuality in ways pleasing to Him.
A: Every kind of robbery, theft and dishonest way of getting things.
A: We should help our neighbour to improve and protect their possessions and income and help them in every need.
A: To tell lies about our neighbour, to reveal his secrets, to slander our neighbour.
A: To speak well of our fellow man.
A: To have a sinful desire for anyone or anything that belongs to our neighbour.
A To be content with what we have and help our neighbour keep what God has given him.
A: Coveting people in our neighbour’s life.
A: To encourage them to remain loyal.
A: No.
A: No.
A: Every thought, desire, word and deed contrary to God’s Law.
A: The devil by tempting Adam and Eve who yielded.
A: The total corruption of our whole human nature.
A: Lost and condemned by the wrath of God.
A: By actual sin.
A: The sins we do each day.
A: In Jesus Christ.
A: A statement of what we believe.
A: I trust God and his promises and accept as true all He teaches in the Holy Scriptures.
A: He is the Father of my Lord Jesus, my Father through faith in Jesus and the Creator of all people.
A: With His almighty power He made all things.
A: He preserves us.
A: His loves for us.
A: It is my duty to thank, praise, serve and obey Him.
A: Jesus Christ.
A: I know and trust in Jesus as my only Saviour from sin, death, and the devil and believe that He gives me eternal life.
A: True God, the Second Person of the holy Trinity, also true man born of the virgin Mary.
A: Divine and human natures.
A: So He could take our place under God’s law.
A: So His fulfilling the Law, His life, suffering and death would be a sufficient ransom for all people.
A: His state of humiliation and His state of exaltation.
A: As man He did not always or fully use His divine powers.
A: Conceived by the Holt Spirit… dead and buried.
A: So He could suffer and die as a sacrifice for our sin.
A: His holy precious blood and innocent suffering and death.
A: No, all humankind.
A: As man He now fully and always uses His divine powers.
A: He descended into hell…at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
A: On the third day He rose from the dead.
A: It is God’s seal and approval on the sacrifice Christ made by his death.
A: To save us from the consequences of our sin.
A: Yes.
A: The Third Person of the Holy Trinity.
A: He makes me holy by bringing me to faith in Christ so that I might have the blessings of redemption and lead a godly life.
A: Sanctification.
A: The Gospel is the instrument by which the Holy Spirit offers us all the blessings of Christ and creates faith in us.
A: Everything a Christian does, speaks or thinks in faith according to the Ten Commandments, for the glory of God and the benefit of the neighbour.
A: The total number of those who believe in Christ.
A: It is made up of those who have been cleansed by the blood of Christ and serve God with holy living.
A: It belongs to Christ and is built upon Him.
A: Where the Gospel is preached in its purity and the holy sacraments are administered as Christ instituted them.
A: Local visible gatherings around the word and sacrament.
A: Through Christ God has declared pardon and forgiveness to all sinful humanity.
A: Because He is merciful and because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice for sinners.
A: Our sins have been charged to Christ and Christ’s righteousness has been credited to us.
A: In the Gospel.
A: Through faith, that is, by believing the Gospel.
A: That those who die in faith will live with God forever.
A: As I believe in Christ, my Saviour, I also know that I have been chosen to eternal life out of pure grace in Christ without any merit of my own and that no one can pluck me out of his hand.
A: It is a sacred act, instituted by Christ, containing visible elements, which offer, give and seal God’s grace to us.
A: Jesus, as He commanded His Church to baptise all nations.
A: All people, both young and old.
A: Forgiveness of sins, rescue from death and the devil and gives eternal life.
A: To all who believe God’s saving promises.
A: Our sinful self, that corrupt and evil nature we inherit because of Adam’s fall into sin.
A: By daily sorrow and repenting of sins and seeking to walk by God’s grace as His children.
A: The power Christ gives his Church to forgive sins or to withhold forgiveness.
A: First, that we confess our sins, and second, that we receive absolution/ forgiveness.
A: Those who are sorry for their sins (contrition) and believe in Jesus as their Saviour from sin (faith).
A: Good works.
A: Those who are not sorry for their sins and do not believe in Jesus.
A: All our sins.
A: The ones that especially trouble us.
A: As coming from God.
A: Jesus Christ.
A: Bread and wine.
A: His own true body and blood for the forgiveness of sins.
A: He commands that His Sacrament be celebrated in the Church till the end of time as a living proclamation and distribution of His saving death and all its blessings.
A: For the forgiveness of sins and the strengthening of faith.
A: To receive the blessings He offers us there.
A: When we have faith in Christ and His words, “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.
A: The person who does not believe Christ’s words, since the words “for you” require all hearts to believe.
A: Do I recognise that I am a sinner? Do I believe in our Saviour Jesus Christ and in His words in the Sacrament? Do I plan, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to change my sinful life?
A: Yes, because Jesus instituted it for the very purpose of strengthening our faith.
A: Those who are openly ungodly and unrepentant; those who are unforgiving, refusing to be reconciled; those of a different confession of faith, since the Lord’s Supper is a testimony of the unity of faith; those who are unable to examine themselves. We do not judge hearts but go by what people tell us.
A: Confirmation.
A: Teaching the faith and giving those who have been taught an opportunity to confess their faith.