
Through discussion with a pastor, instruction deals with the major questions about Christian faith and it contains basic Lutheran catechism. Here you can observe the major questions: 

1. What is Christianity?

A: Christianity is the life and salvation God has given in and through Jesus.

2. Where is God’s truth about our Savior Jesus Christ made known?

A: The truth is made known in the Bible: the Old Testament promises the coming Savior and the New Testament tells of the Savior who has come.

3. What is the key to the correct understanding of the Bible?

A: Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, is the heart and center of the Scripture and therefore the key to its true meaning.

4. What does Luther’s Small Catechism contain?

A: The six chief parts of Christian teaching.

5. From which book did Luther take these chief parts of Christian doctrine?

A: The Bible.

6. What is the Bible?

A: The inspired word of God.

7. Who wrote the Bible?

A: The holy prophets and apostles.

8. Why is the Bible the Word of God although it was written by men?

A: The prophets and apostles were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

9. For what purpose did God give us the Bible?

A: To know His salvation for us in Jesus.

10. What use should we make of the Bible?

A: To learn more of God and our salvation so that our faith is strengthened.

11. What are the two great doctrines of the Bible?

A: The Law and the Gospel.

12. What is the Law?

A: It shows us our sin. In it God commands good works of thought, word, and deed and condemns and punishes sin.

13. What is Gospel?

A: It is the good news of our salvation in Jesus. In it God gives forgiveness of sin, faith, life and the power to please Him with good works.